Welcome to the Website of the West Kalimantan Provincial Health Office

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Pemprov Kalbar Salurkan Bantuan Obat-obatan, Selimut, Hingga Kebutuhan Sandang dan Pangan Untuk Korban Banjir Di Desa Sosok
Pemprov Kalbar Salurkan …

SANGGAU - Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Kalimantan Barat dipimpin langsung Pj. Gubernur Kalimantan …

21 Oct 2024 infokes

Pj Bupati Kayong Utara dan Kadiskes Prov. Kalbar Tinjau Layanan dan Fasilitas Kesehatan di RSUD Sultan Muhammad Jamaludin I
Pj Bupati Kayong Utara dan …

SUKADANA - Penjabat Bupati Kayong Utara, Drs. Alfian Salam, M.M., bersama Kepala Dinas Kesehatan …

18 Oct 2024 infokes


Kenali Penyakit Asam Urat
Kenali Penyakit Asam Urat

a. Pengertian Asam Urat Penyakit asam urat atau gout adalah salah satu jenis radang sendi yang …

19 Oct 2024 infokes

Minum Antibiotik Harus BIJAK
Minum Antibiotik Harus BIJAK

Ilustrasi - Antibiotik (pixabay.com) Antibiotik adalah obat yang digunakan untuk mencegah dan …

18 Oct 2024 infokes


Welcome to the Official Website of the West Kalimantan Provincial Health Service!

We proudly welcome you to our health information portal. This website exists to provide the latest information services regarding health, government programs in the health sector, as well as various educational articles that are useful for the community.

Our goal is to improve the quality of public health through accurate and reliable information. Don't hesitate to explore the various features we provide.

We hope this website can be a source of information and inspiration for you in living a healthier life. Thank you for your visit.

Healthy Greetings,

Head of Provincial Health Service. West Kalimantan
Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

Related Applications

Distribution of Hospitals in West Kalimantan

Number of Government Hospitals
Number of Private Hospitals

